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Women's Sneakers with built-in orthotics
Keep comfortable on the move, shift after shift, in this sporty, slip-resistant sneaker designed with all-day support and the perfect lift.
Designed with all-day support and the perfect lift, these shoes are perfect for healthcare and restaurant and foodservice professionals! Cushioning at the top of the heel gives the Tulia an added layer of comfort, and reflective laces add visibility in low-lit environments, making it ideal for the night shift. Inside, the innovative Align™ orthotic insole is designed to place the foot in a more optimum position to assist with proper alignment, stability and support, reducing pressure on tendons, joints and muscles. On the ground, the slip-resistant rubber outsole provides the traction you need on both wet and dry surfaces.
- Soft full-grain leather upper
- Align™ corrective orthotic insole
- Reflective laces
- Slip-resistant rubber outsole designed to help prevent slipping on floor surfaces. Their high-traction surface provides the grip you need to move with confidence throughout your shift, even when you encounter fluids or unexpected spills.
- Cloud heel counter, soft padding at the back of the heel provides a secure fit and comfort in every step
- Heel height: 57 mm
- Align™ orthotic may require a break-in period. We recommend wearing these for only a few hours a day and gradually working up to all-day wear
- Size Widths: M=Medium, W=Wide
What is Align™ Technology?
Dr. Dorothy Kurtz Phelan (Certified Podiatrist, D.P.M. Podiatric Physician and Surgeon) explains the importance of proper alignment
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美國「Nurse Mates」全新的 Align™ 矯正鞋系列,有著運動休閒風的護士鞋,線條簡潔有現代感。橡筋鞋帶設計讓妳穿脫更方便快捷,同時有調節鬆緊的靈活性。有多種顏色及花紋選擇。
Align™ 矯正鞋誠邀美國足科矯形醫師 Dr. Dorothy Kurtz Phelan, D.P.M. 設計,具有 Align™ 內置矯正吸震鞋墊,更有效承托足弓而提升平衡力,有助於將妳的腳放在正確的著力點,矯正步行或站立時的姿勢,舒緩腳踝、膝蓋、背部及其他關節的壓力。
適合任何足弓高度,對正常足弓人士可減低足弓塌陷,扁平足或高足弓人士可舒緩足弓張力。Align™ 足弓承托鞋墊有效減低足底筋膜炎或拇指外翻起因的痛楚。
- 內置 Align™ 矯正吸震鞋墊,高密度吸震
- 原塊 Full-Grain 頭層牛皮,全面透氣
- 皮革面層配有抗污處理層,更容易清潔
- 具備排汗物料內裡,降低細菌滋生
- 鞋心增強平衡力
- 超輕 EVA 鞋底
- 防滑膠片
- 原裝配備一對橡筋鞋帶,不用綁帶方便穿著
- 額外多配一對傳統鞋帶
- 鞋跟高度:38 mm
- 通過美國 ASTM F 1167 防滑標準(Mark II 設備)行業低安全標準為0.50。分數1.0為高摩擦力,0.0為缺乏摩擦力。
- 紅崗磚地板:乾爽防滑度:0.70、濕滑防滑度:0.57
- 塑膠地板:乾爽防滑度:1.05、濕滑防滑度:0.86
- 尺碼 : US 6 - US 11(有半碼)
- 寬度 : 有2種鞋型寬度選擇(M 中等、W 寬闊)
- 尺寸:正常鞋版,腳型較寬建議選擇(W 寬闊)鞋楦
* Align™ 矯正鞋墊對小部分人可能需要短暫適應期。如需要建議每天穿著數小時,然後逐漸遞增。
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